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jUsT 12
LikeS sinGiNg
nothing much really
just a girl




new handphone
new haircut♥rihanna style
gonna cut hair soon again
a forever 21 vest
singing lessons
off shoulder top
juicy couture stuff
a good boyfren XD


become slimmer&taller
great marks in SA's♥
become a model/actress/singer^^
a pass in napha test


lucy house owners wedd 27/1 '08
humanities day 30/1 '08
sa cap me(30th night) 6/2 '08
chinese new year 7/2 '08


click on the play button and wait
the thing after the title is the volume
enjoy urself


January 2008


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Thursday, January 31, 2008 ♥

from morning till now still big rain..
mr elgin also scold us for putting stupid comments in the humanities forum board...bla3
hey, i didn't write it ya knnow..wasted 30 mins of study time though..haha
all the drains in the PIK area are all full with mud and rain water..yucks
when mr ed told us that we can call our parents and go home at 12,all shouted:"yes!"and jumped for joy..haha-soo happy
tomorrow hangin out with ma besties..going to watch alvin and the chipmunks in ex....
gonna post again....later???

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 ♥

i didn't take photo's on sunday anyway-----so sorry
but the night dress is the same as the one she is wearing in the morning!!
so i loose interest in taking pictures and went to eat..
lols -.-
sorry lorr...

today is tuesday soo got maths and english tuition-.- the only busy day..
qeng(my squl mate but we mostly only talk on msn-his real name is yohanes but qeng is his nick) is also not online..stupid one lah..haiyah
i'm writing down this while the teacher is checking my hw soo...emm..nvm
10 mins later

finish!!!at last!!!
so tired-too much brain using XD
chatting with my ex...-.-
anyway...just had a black out

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Sunday, January 27, 2008 ♥

just now morning is like..OMG!!a boutique owner's wedding!!!
and i'm going to the party tonite!!
the boutique's name is lucy house-it's located in the sogo departmen store and all the stuff is like 1 million++..
some say that the wedding dress cost more than 100 million rupiahs!and is made in australia or HK i dont remember!!
it's like soooo nice!but we all haven't saw it-even the families!!
ofcourse my mom is the good friend of the guy side soo i don't know her much..but still!!!
the dress she is wearing just now is soo frilly..
the mother in law, which is my mother's good friend bought a house as a wedding present for them!so we have the traditional party at the new house just now..the house is a normal small house but the interior totally rocks!the brides room is very nice!!!
the closet is so big!!!and i saw a parcel that contains make up forever stuff and YSL!!!OMG!!she is sooo cool!!the closet got 2 sides one is the brides, the other is the grooms..they both got a LOT of clothes! i'm going to their dinner party tonite..!!wanna see the dress XD!!
will take photo later and post it tomorrow kay???

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Saturday, January 26, 2008 ♥

this is me!
my name's yumiko but i would like to be known as melody...
these photo's are the one's i want to post but donno how..well, now i figured out how^^heehe
some from free time
some from disney land
some from macau&hongkong
and....donno when-.-

would like to be serious about blogging this year..hmm....maybe i could be famous by blogging haha^^anyway,gonna post all the junk photo's now!

this will be counted as a photo blog then-.-

this will be the end ok??

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥